Türk Otomotiv Sanayicisinin Dergisi

Tezmaksan's Investment to Vocational Highschool Students' Future

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Haber Eklenme Tarihi : 27.08.2018 12:26:00

Within the scope of the project, a classroom will be opened under the name of Tezmaksan, where 30 students will receive training for three years. Students will receive a certificate at the end of this training, which will provide them employment opportunity in the sector.

Rapid development of Turkish machinery industry increases the need of technical human resource that knows new technologies well. Being aware of this need, Tezmaksan, as a prominent company of the sector, implements many social responsibility projects. In that respect, a new cooperation has started between Tezmaksan and Private İkitelli OIZ Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School. Tezmaksan, will start vocational trainings at a classroom that will be opened within the scope of the projects.
We will make industry pleased.
30 students, whom will be selected through interviews, will receive applied trainings in Tezmaksan classroom at CNC machines. Trainers, whom will come from Tezmaksan, will provide professional development information to the students a few days every week. General Manager of Tezmaksan, Hakan Aydogdu, had a statement regarding the project and stated that they attach great importance to their responsibility projects. Aydoğdu said: We are helping the students to love the industry, to own their vocations and to build their future.
Qualified Staff Problem will be solved
Hakan Aydoğdu indicated that they build new cooperations, partnerships to solve the qualified personnel problem of the machinery sector, which is the locomotive of economy, and said: Our cooperation with Private İkitelli OIZ Vocational and Technical Highschool is a crystal clear example of this. Our social responsibility projects will continue. Through our activities that aim to find a solution for the lack of qualified personnel, students will easily adapt to business life. Hakan Aydoğdu also said that following the trainings, graduated students will be provided employment opportunities.

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